Using MindsDB Machine Learning to Solve a Real-World time series Problem

Let’s use these powerful AI tables in a real-world scenario. (if you are not familiar with AI-Tables, you can learn about them in here.

Imagine that you are a data analyst at the Chicago Transit Authority. Every day, you need to optimize the number of buses per route to avoid overcrowded or empty buses. You need machine learning to forecast the number of rides per bus, per route, and by time of day. The data you have looks like the table below with route_id, timestamp, number of rides, and day-type (W = weekend)

This is a difficult machine learning problem that is common in databases. A timestamp indicates that we are dealing with the time-series problem. The data is further complicated by the type of day (day-type) the row contains and this is called multivariate. Additionally, there is high-cardinality as each route will have multiple row entries each with different timestamps, rides, and day types.

Let’s see how we can use machine learning with MindsDB to optimize the number of buses per route and visualize the results.

Set Up MindsDB

First things first! You need to connect your database to MindsDB. One of the easy ways to do so is to create a MindsDB cloud account. If you prefer to deploy MindsDB locally, please refer to installation instructions via Docker or PyPI.

Once an account is created you can connect to Snowflake using standard parameters like database name (in this case the Chicago Transit Authority), host, port, username, password, etc.

Connect MindsDB to the Data for model training

MindsDB works through a MySQL Wire protocol. Therefore, you can connect to it using any MySQL client. Here, we’ll use the DBeaver database client and can see the Snowflake databases we are connected to.

![Dbeaver connect](/assets/sql/tutorials/snowflake-superset/10-DBeaver connection.png)

Step 1: Getting the Training Data

We start by getting the training data from the database that we connected to our MindsDB cloud account. It is always good to first make sure that all the databases are present and the connections correct.

show databases;

MindsDB comes with some built-in databases as follows:

  • INFORMATION_SCHEMA stores information about MindsDB,
  • MINDSDB stores metadata about the predictors and allows access to the created predictors as tables,
  • DATASOURCE for connecting to data or uploading files.

The SNF database is the database of the Chicago Transit Authority that we connected. It provides us with the training data. Let’s check it.

LIMIT 100;

The training data consists of the number of rides per bus route and day. For example, on 2001-07-03, there were 7354 rides on bus route 3.

You can download the dataset here and execute the SQL commands along with the tutorial!

Step 2: Training the Predictive Model

Let’s move on to the next step, which is training the predictive model. For that, we’ll use the MINDSDB database.

use mindsdb;
show tables

MINDSDB database comes with the predictors and commands tables. The predictors table lets us see the status of our predictive models. For example, assuming that we have already trained our predictive model for forecasting the number of rides, we’ll see the following.


The process of training a predictive model using MindsDB is as simple as creating a view or a table.

CREATE PREDICTOR mindsdb.rides_forecaster_demo FROM snf (

Let’s discuss the statement above. We create a predictor table using the CREATE PREDICTOR statement and specifying the database from which the training data comes. The code in yellow selects the filtered training data. After that, we use the PREDICT keyword to define the column whose data we want to forecast. Next, there are standard SQL clauses, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY, WINDOW, and HORIZON. We use the ORDER BY clause and the DATE column as its argument. By doing so, we emphasize that we deal with a time-series problem. We order the rows by date. The GROUP BY clause divides the data into partitions. Here, each of them relates to a particular bus route. We take into account just the last ten rows for every given prediction. Hence, we use WINDOW 10. To prepare the forecast of the number of bus rides for the next week, we define HORIZON 7. Now, you can execute the CREATE PREDICTOR statement and wait until your predictive model is complete. The MINDSDB.PREDICTORS table stores its name as rides_forecaster_demo and its status as training. Once your predictive model is ready, the status changes to complete.

Step 3: Getting the Forecasts

We are ready to go to the last step, i.e., using the predictive model to get future data. One way is to query the rides_forecaster_demo predictive model directly. Another way is to join this predictive model table to the table with historical data before querying it.

We consider a time-series problem. Therefore, it is better to join our predictive model table to the table with historical data.

JOIN mindsdb.rides_forecaster_demo AS tb 

Let’s analyze it. We join the table that stores historical data (i.e., snf.PUBLIC.CTA_BUS_RIDES_LATEST) to our predictive model table (i.e., mindsdb.rides_forecaster_demo). The queried information is the route and the predicted number of rides per route. And the usage of the condition ta.DATE > LATEST (provided by MindsDB) ensures that we get the future number of rides per route. Let’s run the query above to forecast the number of rides for route 171 in the next seven days.

Now we know the number of rides for route 171 in the next seven days. We could do it in the same way for all the other routes.

Thanks to the special SQL syntax that includes CREATE PREDICTOR, PREDICT, and > LATEST, MindsDB makes it straightforward to run predictors on our chosen data. Now, let’s visualize our predictions.

Visualizing the Results using Apache Superset

Apache Superset is a modern, open-source data exploration and visualization platform designed for all data personas in an organization. Superset ships with a powerful SQL editor and a no-code chart builder experience. Superset ships with support for most SQL databases out of the box and over 50 visualization types.

You can connect to the Snowflake database or your MindsDB database that has a Snowflake connection within. Upon starting up your Superset workspace, your earlier defined database connection is ready to use! So you have access to the Chicago Transit Authority data, as well as to the predictions made by MindsDB.

Visualizing Data

The two data sets that we are relevant for visualization are the stops_by_route and forecasts data sets. The stops_by_route data set contains the exact location of each bus stop for each bus route. And the forecasts data set stores the actual and predicted number of rides, confidence interval, and lower and upper bounds of prediction, per route and timestamp.

Superset lets us visualize the stops_by_route data set as follows.

Every bus route has a different color. Also, there is volatility associated with each bus route. Let’s publish this chart to a new dashboard by clicking the +Save button, then switch to the Save as tab, and then type in “Routes Dashboard” in the Add to Dashboard field.

Now, let’s craft a time-series line chart to visualize actual vs predicted riders. Let’s look at the chart that presents the actual number of bus riders (in blue) and the predicted number of bus rides (in purple).

Predictions made by MindsDB closely resemble the actual data, except for a short time during March 2020 when the large-scale lockdowns took place. There we see a sudden drop in the number of bus rides. But MindsDB took some time to cope with this new reality and adjust its predictions.

Lastly, let’s add a data zoom to this chart for end-users to zoom in on specific date ranges. Click the Customize tab and then click Data Zoom to enable it. Then, click the + Save button and publish to the same “Routes Dashboard”.

Let’s head over to the dashboard now and customize it to make it more dynamic and explorable. Click Dashboards in the top nav bar and then select “Routes Dashboard” from the list of dashboards. You can rearrange the chart positions by clicking the pencil icon, dragging the corners of the chart objects, and then clicking Save.

Let’s add some dashboard filters to this dashboard so dashboard consumers can filter the charts down to specific bus routes and volatility values. Click the right arrow (->) to pop open the filter tray. Then select the pencil icon to start editing this dashboard’s filters. Create the following filters with appropriate filter names:

  • A Value filter on the route column from the forecasts table.
  • A Numerical range filter on the volatility column from the stops_by_route table.

Click Save to publish these filters.

Let’s give these filters for a test ride! Use the routes filter to only show information for routes 1, 100, and 1001.

We could zoom in to see the time during the first large-scale lockdowns in March 2020. For these particular routes, the predictions made by MindsDB are not so far off.

Now, let’s use our volatility filter to view only the routes with volatility values greater than 55.

Conclusions: Powerful forecasting with MindsDB, your database, and Superset

The combination of MindsDB and your database covers all the phases of the ML lifecycle. And Superset helps you to visualize the data in any form of diagrams, charts, or dashboards.

MindsDB provides easy-to-use predictive models through AI Tables. You can create these predictive models using SQL statements and feeding the input data. Also, you can query them the same way you query a table. The easiest way to get started with Superset is with the free tier for Preset Cloud, a hassle-free and fully hosted cloud service for Superset.

We encourage you to try some predictions with your own data, so please sign up for a free MindsDB cloud account and if you need any help with MindsDB, feel free to ask our Slack and Github communities.

What’s Next?

Have fun while trying it out yourself!

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