How Dub launched
An overview of how and what Dub shipped during their first-ever launch week.
Dub is an open-source link management platform.
Last January, the company had its first-ever launch week.
Below are some key takeaways.
Open-source, link management infrastructure
- A launch week doesn’t have to last 5 days.
- Day 1 may have the highest impact on social engagement.
- Related: Pull in customers and partners as much as possible.
how Dub launched
Dub made three announcements:
- Introducing Dub Conversions
- Introducing Webhooks
- Unveiling Dub’s new About page
For the announcements, Dub mostly applied two tactics:
- Publish one announcement per day on their blog
- Spread the news on Twitter/X
Introducing Dub Conversion
Start tracking how your link clicks convert to signups and sales
Introducing Dub Webhooks
Connect Dub with your data stack and workflows
Day 1 - Tuesday January 14 - Introducing Dub Conversions
- Likes: 493
- Reposts: 70
- Impressions: 155K
Day 2 - Wednesday January 15 - Introducing Dub Webhooks
- Likes: 35
- Reposts: 11
- Impressions: 10K
Day 3 - Thursday January 16 - Unveiling Dub’s new About page
- Likes: 11
- Reposts: 1
- Impressions: 2K
// Dub had a different approach on Day 3 and quoted their founder’s original post.
Dub on X — Day 1
Introducing Dub Conversion
Dub on X — Day 2
Introducing Dub Webhooks
Dub on X — Day 3
Unveiling Dub’s new About page
keeping momentum
To wrap up this launch week, Dub also published a recap on their blog — and reposted it on their socials.
Dub Launch Week Recap
Here’s a wrap-up of Dub’s first-ever launch week
key takeaways
Some learnings from this launch week:
- If we define launch weeks as a week of announcing new features, they don’t have to last 5 days though. Dub’s launch week lasted 3 days.
- Day 1 had the most impact on social engagement, and Dub crushed it with 143.7K impressions.
- Related: Pull in customers and partners as much as possible. Dub may have reached this level of engagement because it featured partners like Stripe, Clerk, and Supabase.
- Post a recap of your announcements to keep the momentum going. This is good for SEO, and it could still reach people who either forgot, ignored, or missed them the first time.
That’s a wrap!
Follow @launchweekdev on X for more insights.