Launch weeks are high peaks (…) They create buzz and excitement around the product.

— Zeno Rocha, Co-founder and CEO of Resend

Zeno Rocha puts it simply: launch weeks are high peaks. So, you may want to maximize the compound effect and launch on places like Product Hunt, too.

why it’s important

Product Hunt definitely is a great place to launch on launch week — a place where many developer-first products launched successfully during their launch weeks: Supabase, Inkeep, and Raycast, to name a few.

Supabase launched Supabase UI on Product Hunt during Supabase Launch Week I and ranked #1 Product of the Day and #2 Product of the Week. So did Inkeep, ranked #3 Product of the Day, and Raycast with Raycast for Teams, ranked #4 Product of the Day.

According to, it gets 4.8 million unique visitors every month, and according to Ahrefs, it has a domain rating of 91.

Launching on Product Hunt keeps reminding you that your company exists and you’re making progress. You stay top-of-mind, and in the context of a launch week, you can keep it really simple.

keep it simple

FYI Below are the required inputs to submit a new product on Product Hunt.

  • Name of the product: the name of your product in 40 characters or less
  • Tagline: a concise, descriptive tagline in 60 characters max
  • Product description: a short description of what the product does in 260 char. max
  • Launch tags: Up to three tags — Browse full list here
  • Thumbnail: a 240 x 240 pixel thumbnail
  • Image gallery: 2 to 8 images to show the product

There’s a high chance that you’ve worked on these elements for your launch week. Don’t overthink it and reuse ‘em all.

awesome-product-hunt on GitHub

Developer-first product launches on Product Hunt

wrapping up

When planning a launch week, think compound effect. You’ll reach a high level of attention. Fully leverage it by launching in more places when it makes sense, like Product Hunt.

Enjoy your launch week, and keep launching!